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Friday, March 2, 2007

Windshield Wiper Woes (or, www.onmydrivehome)

I had a funny experience . . .

Tonight, I encountered windshield wiper woes on my drive home.

I commute along a road with two lanes in each direction. This road then narrows to only one lane in each direction. Traffic always backs up at that point. It's a bottle-neck.

Our informal etiquette for this merging is to alternate between lanes: a car from the inside lane is followed by a car from the outside lane, then the inside lane, etc.

I’m on the inside lane. I'd just allowed the car from the outside to move ahead of me. To my surprise, a second car from the outside unexpectedly accelerated and cut hard in front of me! I had to smash my brakes to keep from smashing this guy's rear end! (I may have even said a bad word).

As this idiot was braking hard to avoid hitting the car in front of him, he pushed his windshield washer button to clean his windshield. But, his washer wasn't aimed at his window. His water jets cleared his windshield, roof, and trunk. His water-jets hit my window! So, I turned on my windshield wipers and cleaned my window . . . My momentary flash of anger was "washed away" with this bit of comic relief.

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